1 or 2

Well my blood test came in at 2.1 today so I am officially out of the “inconclusive” stage and onto the “not pregnant” one. I completely expected this so for the most part I am just feeling ready to brush this cycle off and move forward.

Now onto the tricky part…how many embryos to transfer this time. Here are the facts surrounding this decision:

* we transferred one hatching embryo during our first fresh cycle with no success
* FET statistically has a slightly lower success rate than fresh cycles
* we have one frozen embryo that was frozen at the hatching stage, and 22 that were grade A or AA expanding blastocysts
* Dr. RE gives us a 20% chance of twins if we transfer 2
* our high risk doctor strongly advises against me carrying multiples, so she would strongly encourage a reduction if I get pregnant with more than one
* Dr. RE recommends we transfer two based upon our last cycle

I really hate being faced with these decisions. After all we have been through, the thought of a reduction is just horrible. Although the thought of another negative pregnancy test and additional costs of more FETs isn’t the greatest either.

Initially I was leaning slightly towards doing one. If I had an uneventful singleton pregnancy then I would feel much better about transferring two and potentially carrying twins, but I feel like I need to go through a nice a boring, long pregnancy before I can do that. It sure is tempting to transfer two though.

How have you guys made the decision on how many to transfer?

4 thoughts on “1 or 2

  1. Our decision wasn’t specifically on the number to transfer (since we did IUI), but we did have to decide when to trigger, so not the same situation as yours, but somewhat related. What we came down to was which choice would be the hardest for us to handle: not getting pregnant or getting pregnant with multiples. In the end our doc decided for us, but we still ending up reducing to twins, and then they were born early at 17w6d. Having to decide IS so terrible. Hopefully you, your husband and the docs will be able to get to a place where you all feel comfortable with the path forward, be it 1 or 2.

  2. First, I am sorry about your BFN. This is always so hard. As for number of embies…you have a lot of frosties, so I would suggest doing a single transfer one more time. After having a hard loss with twins, I am and will always be worried for anyone carrying multiples. If this next SET FET doesn’t work out, then I would go on to two for the third round. No one wants to do a bunch of FETs but the idea of reducing is terrifying. What if you lost both in the process of reduction?!

    • Thanks for the advice! I totally agree, I think we have at least one more frozen SET before we move onto two now that we’ve been thinking about it more. After losing the triplets I am scared to death of multiples pregnancies as well. Glad to hear things are going well for you so far by the way!

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